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Sagittarius Season Horoscopes


This year, more than most, you may be experiencing moments asking you to look inward and compassionately recognize the forms your pattern of avoidance has taken. We all tend to avoid aspects of our life and of ourselves. Aries, this year marks a longer period for you, where the Universe may be guiding you towards developing a grounded awareness of your chosen forms of escapism. During this Sagittarius season, it may come to your attention, even more clearly, of how and why you are running away from the inner work. Sagittarius is an energy that encourages exploration of the unfamiliar and inviting an openness to discovery. Therefore, these next few weeks support taking time to reflect on current beliefs held around mental health and what it means to care for your inner well-being. Sagittarius energy holds the belief that there is a path ahead and it is filled with meaningful experiences. Take the next few weeks to consider how establishing consistent times of rest and introspection can allow for more purpose-driven adventures that then foster meaningful moments of self-discovery.


What is left to explore in your inner world? What is your soul longing to resolve, but you may be avoiding? What adventures are still on your bucket list? How can inwardly caring for your soul allow for more space and energy to explore the world outwardly?


There is joy found in the act of exploration for you, Leo. Seeking adventures and testing your free will can create moments that you want to cherish. The freeing ability to get up, explore life wildly, and see what comes of it is how you are here to experience joy. This Sagittarius season offers an opportunity to reflect on your current beliefs around personal joy and self-expression. As we age, we ideally have the chance to grant the unfulfilled wishes of our inner child. For the next few weeks, you have the support of the Universe to reflect on the currently held beliefs that may be keeping you stuck in a fearful frame of mind. These fears may reflect the disappointment of your younger self when you trusted in the feeling of joy only to be let down or hurt. This year, Sagittarius season presents you with a chance to patiently explore updated beliefs that may allow you to trust in life’s joys once more. Over the course of this year, you have been asked to commit yourself to working more gently with the emotional burdens that you carry. You have been learning how to show your pain more kindness. Sagittarius season asks you to reflect on the role that joy can play in this current healing journey.


What is left to discover about happiness? Are you longing to express yourself? What is your inner child longing to experience just for the fun of it? What deeply held beliefs do you have around joy? Do you know how to cherish special moments for yourself? Do you trust that joy will always make its way back into your life? Do you believe that you deserve to have hobbies simply for the joy of being playful?


This season marks a point in the year where there may be an opportunity to check in with the direction that your life is headed. Every year presents a period of time to assess how you have been showing up day-to-day. As a Sagittarius, you are here to make decisions that foster a sense of freedom and wild abandon. Sagittarius is one of the Fire signs. This is an element that represents inspiration, authenticity and creativity. More specifically, a vibrant Sagittarius has the intuitive ability to seek out purpose, and this sense of intentional exploration comes from within. You are here to develop trust in your ability to seize an opportunity and remain open to all that there is to discover on that path. Much of this season will ask you to consider the support or lack thereof that you are receiving from others. Take time to notice how your close companions may be expanding your self-awareness. In the same way, observe if the role you play in the family feels expansive or limiting. Notice how each of these relationships may be aiding your personal journey or holding you back. This will help you in the process of turning your life toward a direction that fills you with the most earnest sense of purpose.


What is still left to discover about life? What qualities are you longing to embody? Can you trust your opinion of yourself? Are you comfortable with feedback from others? Do you know how to distinguish constructive feedback from hurtful criticism?

Where are you going and why?


Sagittarius and Taurus energies can be each other's greatest teachers. As the first Earth sign of the zodiac, Taurus, you represent patience, endurance, and appreciating the simple joys of life. You may prioritize establishing a sense of stability and security. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is a risk-taker. As the third Fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is ready to throw all caution to the wind and explore what life may have to offer outside of ordinary life. This season encourages you to address the fears that you may have around uncertainty. This is a time of year that supports having faith in what life may bring to you. As a more practical energy, Taurus, you may trust your own consistent effort over wishing on any star. However, this season reminds you that having a certain level of openness to more than one path can help breathe life into you. Taurus can sometimes feel obligated to stick to the tried and true. Sometimes the most consistent effort and the hardest work still does lead to a fulfilling place. Sagittarius is here to remind you how hope and faith can bring an energizing sense of higher purpose to your efforts.


What is still left to discover about your soul’s journey? What emotional burdens are you longing to release? How can more open up to you along your path

when you prioritize healing over hurting?


As Sagittarius season begins, life presents you with an opportunity to expand your understanding of your ancestral roots. Over the course of this year, you have been asked to take some leaps of faith when it comes to your overall sense of personal achievement. You are opening up to new paths that may align more with your core values than the cultural expectations of success. In order to balance, Sagittarius season encourages you to spend some time at home. This is a chance to gain some clarity around the role you have played in your family. Consider the dynamics between yourself and your parental figures. Think about the impact they have had on your concept of self. Take time to reflect on what you want out of home and family as an adult. Think about what changes in these dynamics could feel freeing for you.


What is still left to discover about your family? What are you longing for out of your connections with the people that raised you? What family expectations are you longing to break free from? What traditions are you longing to sustain?

What is the purpose of ancestral work for you?


This year has asked you to live each day with more intention. Over the course of the last few months, Capricorn, you have been opening up to the possible changes happening in your everyday life. You have been encouraged to explore your options when it comes to establishing a sustainable daily routine. As Sagittarius season begins, there is an opportunity to slow down completely. Sagittarius is an energy that is in a constant search for freedom. A wild energy that is motivated by taking chances and seeing how the dominos land. For you, this energy asks you to seek freedom in your inner world. Capricorn tends to be preoccupied with responsibility and getting the job done whether you feel like it or not. Sagittarius is better known for stumbling into adventure after adventure. This season asks you to dabble in this freeing energy even if it is only in your inner world. Think about how replenished your soul could feel if you loosened up on the rules just a smidge. If you could allow yourself to take just one chance, what would it be? Think about the well-being of your soul in its entirety. How could your soul benefit from the free-spiritedness of Sagittarius energy?


What kind of freedom is your soul longing for? What is still left to discover about your inner resources? Where does your imagination take you when in solitude? What daily activities do you need to take a break from? How could taking a break from daily tasks allow you to reconnect with inspiration and optimism?


This year has encouraged commitment to personal triumphs. There may have been moments this year that allowed you to reflect on the responsibilities you have chosen to commit to and why. The Universe is asking you to commit more intentionally to long-term goals that are specifically meaningful for you and aligned with your personal values. There has been time spent learning how to acknowledge your personal triumphs whether they meet external expectations or not. You are learning how to define your own milestones. During this Sagittarius season, you are welcome to reflect on how your relationships have impacted this journey. Take time to consider the feedback you receive from close companions. The next few weeks are here to help you distinguish what kind of feedback can be helpful and what kind can be hurtful. Gemini, close friends and partners can help you get out of your head. Your connections aid in pulling you away from a thought loop so that you may see the bigger picture and, perhaps, the overall purpose of an experience. For these next few weeks, you are encouraged to explore these support systems with the intention of establishing a greater sense of trust so that you can decide what greater purpose each connection has served in your life.


What is still left to discover about connection? What are you longing for out of your support systems? What do you believe about yourself that may be different from what you have been told by others? What do others believe about you that you may struggle to see in yourself? Do you know when feedback is valuable and when it is simply hurtful?

What purpose do friends and partners serve in your life?

How can you approach each of your relationships as their own expansive adventure?


Sagittarius season invites you to treat every day like a mini adventure. Throughout this year, you have been encouraged to have clearer intentions for your physical wellness routine. You have been learning how to establish personal boundaries in order to manage your stress levels. You have been learning how to tend to your needs when you fall ill and even how to care for your physical health in an effort to prevent illness or injury. Sagittarius season marks the time of year that encourages freeing experiences. Hence, there is a chance for the next few weeks for you to treat every day as an opportunity to explore. Something as simple as taking a different road to work can create a sense of freedom from routine. Sagittarius is an open energy that seeks out a greater purpose for living. As a Libra, this energy can be accessed when you choose to instill a sense of purpose into your daily activity. This season asks you to consider what makes your daily experience purposeful to you.


What is still left to discover in your town or city? What are you longing for out of your daily experience?

What is the story of your life? What are you longing to add to that story? How do you define the purpose of your current activities? If you lived with a greater sense of purpose,

would your current activities change? If so, How?


As Sagittarius season begins, you are reminded of the purpose behind remaining hopeful. Sagittarius is the wild one of the Zodiac. This energy dares to have faith that life will always have more to offer us. Sagittarius believes in the promise of opportunity. There is always more to discover about this life. Throughout this year, Aquarius, you have been encouraged to work on building a new foundation on which to place your self-worth. This year has asked you to establish trust in your own self-sufficiency. This may be challenging you to replace harsh judgments with self-compassion so that a loving self-trust can be established. You are learning to have your own back despite the evaluations of your worth from others. Sagittarius season this year is working as a reminder of where all of that self-work is leading you. This energy activates your sense of higher aspirations and the uplifting networks that support you along the way. For the next few weeks, consider the higher purpose that these aspirations are serving you. Think about the freedom that comes from believing in your future.


What is left to discover about your hopes and wishes for the future? What are you longing for in your own your future? What freedoms do you aspire to have? What kind of people do you aspire to build community with? How do you aspire to uplift each other?

Do you trust yourself?

What small promises can you keep for yourself

that will establish self-trust?


Sagittarius and Cancer could not be more different from each other. Therefore, this season is usually a period of personal growth. Cancer, you are the first Water sign of the zodiac. Caring, protective, and intuitive, you are here to connect deeply with yourself and others by offering tenderness, comfort, and protection from life’s harshest moments. Sagittarius on the other hand is the last Fire sign of the zodiac. This is an energy that is here to explore the unfamiliar, to go beyond what is predictable, and to discover what is over the horizon. These next few weeks support some soul-searching. Sagittarius energy brings your attention to your daily routines. Our daily routines, ideally, allow us to maintain a certain level of wellness. You are encouraged to reflect on what you personally need to incorporate as a daily practice in order to ease stress that is placed on the body from work, errands, and other pressures of modern life. The long-term theme of this year has been bringing to your attention where you may feel stagnant or stuck in life at the present moment. There may be an overall lack of momentum in the air for this year. This has been gently guiding you towards a stronger focus on the wellness of your soul. Since there may be a lack of outward movement, the Universe is asking you to commit to an inner journey. Sagittarius season encourages you to focus on nourishing your body and therefore freeing yourself from stress-related issues. This nourishment is not limited to diet and exercise, but can come from other stress-relieving activities, as well.


What is still left to discover about the needs of your body? What are you longing for out of a wellness routine? How can you nourish your soul as you handle the daily tasks required by modern life? What is the purpose behind caring for your physical health and wellness?

Why does it matter to you? How can stress-relieving activities create more

freedom in your body and therefore in your daily life?


Over the course of this year, you have been encouraged to be intentional with your leisure time. Creating a life that is special and enjoyable has become a more serious commitment for you this year, Scorpio. During this season, you are supported in taking better care of your creative energy and focusing on meaningful ways to enjoy life. You are learning the importance of spending time creating, enjoying moments, and being playful. You may respect the rarity of truly heart-centered, special experiences in a way you have not before. Sagittarius season marks a time in the year where your attention is brought to your sense of inner trust. For the next few weeks, as you continue creating an authentic life, you are supported in building up a solid trust in your capabilities to bring this life into fruition. Sagittarius energy seeks out freeing opportunities. It is in search of abundance. Therefore, this season asks you to reflect on any beliefs that may be causing distrust in your abilities and talents. Scorpio, you are here to consistently shed layers of your personality in order to connect more deeply to the rawest version of yourself. Sagittarius serves as a reminder that you can lean on faith to guide you towards the truth of your experience. Although the process of shedding in order to rebuild can become tedious or even discouraging at times, this season allows for you to trust in the inevitable freedom that comes after the process of substantial change. Don’t lose sight of this freedom.


What is still left to discover about your own capabilities? What are you longing to create with your own talents? How can you build trust that you have a purpose and that you get to decide what it is? How can faith in second chances provide a stable foundation for your personal growth? What is the purpose of moving forward for you? What is the purpose of giving yourself a second chance?

Can you trust that you deserve the freedom that comes with second chances?


The long-term theme of this year, Pisces, has centered around the opportunity to take yourself more seriously. You have been learning how to honor and respect the way you choose to show up. There has been time spent becoming more comfortable with taking ownership of the direction that your life takes. There may be a sense that you are building your sense of self up from scratch. As Sagittarius season begins, these next few weeks bring your attention to the outer world. As you work on crafting an identity that aligns with your core values, Sagittarius energy encourages you to reflect on how many of your external goals come from those core values and how many of your goals are more like obligations. This is a time to reflect on whose standards you prioritize in your own life. Sagittarius is an energy that embraces possibility. It likes to throw caution to the wind and see what happens. This season encourages you to reflect on what expectations have become suffocating rather than motivating. This is a time of year that reminds us that life does have more to offer us if we stay open and willing when opportunities find us. Think about what external demands are keeping you stagnant and closed off to expansive experiences.


What is still left to discover about your potential for personal triumphs? What are you longing for out of a personal sense of achievement? What expectations do you have for yourself that may differ from cultural expectations?

What risks are you willing to take in your pursuit for personal fulfillment?


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