Intuitive Tarot for Beginners
Learn to Honor your Intuitive Gifts
as you use the Tarot
to tap into Your Higher Self for guidance on Your life Path.
During this Course you will Learn:
Develop the skills to lead with intuition during a session.
Gain insight into the meaning, symbols, archetypes and color therapy associated with Tarot Cards
Identify the Four Suit Energies
Gather greater insight into the Minor Arcana, Court Cards and Major Arcana the completes the Tarot
Explore various interpretations and perspectives of the cards
Develop tools to stay grounded, Cleanse Your energy,and remain connected to Spirit during sessions.
Understand Direction, Seasons and the timing indication of the Tarot
Learn and Apply various Tarot Spreads and so much more...
Materials Included:​
Price of Course: $300
Date: Tuesday, October 1st/8th/15th/22nd/29th
Time: 6-8:30pm
Teacher: Shana @HealingGoddessCreated
Contact Kindred Spirits @ (909) 626-2434 for more Information!
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@ Kindred Spirits
They Meet Every First Wednesday of the Month from 7-8:30pm!