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Capricorn Season Horoscope


There is something so poetic about Capricorn Season winding down the current year and bringing us into the New Year. The final Earth sign of the Zodiac can be visualized as reaching the summit of a mountain or the end of a marathon. For you, these next few weeks provide the space to reflect on the way you embody this Earth energy for yourself but also for the collective. Capricorn, you may find that a good portion of your identity is rooted in being the person that can “do hard things.” The person that will get things done and make things happen without whining or wishing on stars or even asking for help. This is certainly a wisdom that you were born with. You can honor this innate inner wisdom that being alive is worth the struggle. At the same time, Capricorn energy can often get caught up in obligations to get things done and move ahead over caring for the soul inside. You may also find that other people can rely on you to be the person who can handle the harder tasks, and you may begin to feel stuck playing that role, having less time for life outside of these responsibilities. Capricorn season asks you to reflect on how you have come to define yourself. Are you still comfortable with the role that you are playing? This is a season to contemplate how you can appreciate the ways that you have risen to the occasion and done “the hard things” to pull through an uncomfortable time. And yet, there is also space here to contemplate when you have taken the hardest route possible out of a feeling of obligation to maintain this image of “hard worker.” Moving into this new year, focus on how you wish to present yourself and how you wish to be seen.


Do you ever feel pigeon hold as the “responsible one?”

What parts of this role feel authentic?

What parts of this role feel like an obligation?

What aspects of your identity do you wish to pay more attention to in the coming year?

How can you appreciate the role that you play for others

while also honoring your inner complexity?


When Capricorn season comes along each year, we have the opportunity to reflect on how cultural expectations play a part in our life. Taurus, for you this energy brings attention to your relationship with personal growth, earning credibility in the outer world and becoming wiser as you gain life experience. Taurus, you may feel obligated to meet cultural expectations around education and credibility. There may be high standards that you have committed yourself to when it comes to establishing your expertise in the outer world. This Capricorn season encourages you to consider how these expectations to have an impressive purpose for your life may be taking time away from sitting with your soul more honestly. In the modern world, becoming someone important, sophisticated and knowledgeable is seen as admirable, and it absolutely can be. However, this season encourages you to reflect on this need to find your “life’s purpose.” How much of the chasing after impressive opportunities comes from a feeling of obligation to meet certain external standards? For the next few weeks, slow down and be still. Consider if the path you have chosen so far is truly giving you a sense of purpose. It is true that embarking on a journey, gaining knowledge and then applying that knowledge can be fulfilling. However, this pressure to keep growing and gaining can also distract you from caring for your soul underneath all the external labels. Taurus, this season supports taking time to care for your inner sense of wellness. Breathe. Go inwards. Take time to get to know yourself more deeply and more compassionately before you let the world define your expertise. There is a lot of wisdom you have earned that may not receive credit by modern institutions, but it certainly is still a real source of expertise. Be still and listen to the wisdom that comes from within so that you can be more authentically guided towards a purpose externally.


Do you feel pressure to continue your education in order to

gain credibility and respect over caring for your mental and emotional well-being?

Do you feel guilty when taking time for yourself instead of

working towards some kind of personal growth or impressive opportunity?

Where can you find time in the day to sit with yourself?

What wisdom have you already collected about life?

How can you shed guilt and let yourself be still?


We exist under established structures and systems that require much of our effort and attention. Productivity has become synonymous with our sense of worth in the modern world. Virgo, you already lean towards making yourself of use, being helpful and serving the needs of the matter at hand most efficiently. Your natural affinities align gracefully with the cultural expectation to be a productive person. However, this also allows our modern world to underappreciate and perhaps feel entitled to your naturally helpful and useful disposition. Capricorn season this year, then, is a chance to reflect more deeply on this theme. You may tend to feel pressure to maintain a certain level of creative output. Virgos tend to feel pressure to perform at a high standard. This can lead to fulfilling projects and meaningful achievements. It can also lead to neglect of other parts of the human experience such as taking time and energy away from tending to your soul. Perhaps there are emotional blockages that you have not had the time to address due to this fear that time is limited and running out. You may feel like you have to choose between healing your soul and getting ahead in life. There may feel like there is not enough time in the day for both. However, this Capricorn season in particular is encouraging you to prioritize the needs of your inner depth more than you have been. This does not have to look like a therapy session or crying in a fetal position for a day. Although both of those activities may prove relieving. It is possible to allow yourself to ease the pressure of your high standards. Take time to feed your need for play simply for the sake of feeling relief. Take time to lean on your close relationships this season. There are people who want to care for you. This season is encouraging you to trust them with your inner feelings and lean on their support when it feels safe to do so.


Do you have people in your life who are offering to hold space for you?

How can you lean on them in a way that feels safe for you?

What performance standards do you hold yourself to?

How were these standards originally built?

What kind of relief could you find in working through emotional blockages this season?

How could addressing emotional strain create more space in your mind, body and soul for happiness and inspiration?


Gemini, you are one of the signs that rule youthfulness. You will have a lifelong precocious energy. Capricorn, on the other hand, represents aging, maturing and wisdom gained after long bouts of delayed gratification. This year in particular, Capricorn energy encourages you to make more space for stillness in your life to allow for the wisdom that you have already earned to emerge to the surface. Pay attention to your relationship to intimacy. Capricorn brings awareness to your ability and your willingness to be emotionally honest. This season will bring into focus your intimate connections. You may be working through fear that if you look at the depth of your psychology or let someone else in too far, that you may be rejected. Capricorn shows us where we feel culturally obligated to overextend ourselves to prove our worth. For you Gemini, there may be pressure to maintain a light-hearted presence so that you can keep up with your responsibilities. You may have a narrative that if you let life get too serious then you may not be able to hang on to that adaptable, quick energy that gets you through difficult times. This season encourages you to take some time to get to know yourself more deeply. You are a multi-faceted being. Sometimes leaning on the image of ‘hard worker’ can distract both yourself and others from getting to know more of you. Consider all of this during the next few weeks.


When do you feel obligated to hide?

What cultural expectations may be keeping you from letting your guard down?

How can you establish your own standards for healing?

How can you establish your own standards for who gets to witness your vulnerability?


This Capricorn season has a different feel to it than most. Known as the sign of hard work and determination, Capricorn can show us where we overextend ourselves in order to meet external expectations. This year, in particular, we are learning to find stillness where we usually may push our limits. For you Libra, this energy brings awareness to your relationship to family expectations. This is a time to contemplate the standards set by your family when it comes to success and failure. Think about how your upbringing may have shaped your concept of achievement and failure. These next few weeks ask you to create some space from these cultural expectations so that you can gain clarity. In addition, this will bring into focus what opportunities you may have that your ancestors did not. Take this time to consider the impact of that weight. Even though your family may have their own goals for you, at the end of the day this life is yours.


What expectations have your family set for you?

Do you feel obligated to meet standards that ignore your soul?

How can you establish your own connection to ancestry?

How can you find more quiet time within your home?


As Winter begins, Aquarius, this is your time to escape. Every year the Universe encourages you to take time in solitude during Capricorn season. This is your time to hibernate. In these moments of solitude, you are encouraged to find stillness. Think about your relationship to silence. These next few weeks offer you a time to come into deeper connection with your inner world. When the external environment is silent, your inner wisdom can rise to the surface. As you take these moments for yourself, you may become aware of the differences between societal expectations of success and the standard you would like to set for yourself. Capricorn after all is an energy that builds around itself in order to protect what is within. Aquarius, your spiritual connections are what need preserving. This year you are asked to establish boundaries from the outside world so that you may build this sturdy structure of peace within. As you become more comfortable with solitude, your trust in the mysteries of life may strengthen and with it, trust in yourself to persevere through struggle.


Do you feel more capable when you are alone?

How can you create space from external demands and societal judgement?

How can you establish your own spiritual discipline?

How can you forgive yourself for missing the mark?

How can you appreciate your ability to respond to difficult situations?


This Capricorn season we are all working towards making space for stillness in our lives. This stillness comes at a contrast to the cultural expectation of pushing past our personal limits in order to get the job done. Cancer, for you, this cultural expectation may manifest most often in your personal one-to-one relationships. Take time this season to consider the obligation you may feel to show up reliably and responsibly for your partner, close friends or others in general. Cancer, you hold space for the breadth of human emotion. In more ways than one, you are here to show the rest of us how to make sense of our feelings. Within relationships, however, others may tend to reflect back to you the expectation to put those feelings aside in order to handle external demands. Forming “tough skin” may be something that is asked of you within relationships. However, this Capricorn season wants you to reflect on the necessity of being soft enough to tend to your human emotions while also having enough maturity to take on responsibilities as they come up. Also, take the time to address aspects of your current close connections that are asking you to take on too much harshness. Find space from these external demands so that you can protect your emotionally intelligent energy.


Who do you feel obligated to support and why?

What responsibilities are you sharing with others?

Is it fair to you?

How can you allow for more space in your relationship?

Have relationships become more of a burden than a support system?

What kind of support do you need from others right now?


Find stillness in your daily rituals, Scorpio. The energy of this season encourages creating space from cultural expectations to overextend ourselves. Scorpio, you tend to overextend your mental energy. As a sign of emotional depth, you tend to have a serious mind. Perhaps the thoughts floating in your head day to day are heavy in nature. Important topics that require an intellectual commitment to concentration can take up space in your mind. Thus, this Capricorn season encourages you to create more space from this pressure to ponder heavy topics. Let your mind rest, Scorpio. Consider this obligation you may feel to interpret life from such a mature and responsible perspective. Can life not be silly? Is there no time in a day for ease? You tend to be a deep thinker, Scorpio; however, sometimes this comes at your own detriment. Take this season to center the mind on your breath or on the breeze chilling your cheeks. Do a puzzle or purchase an adult coloring book. Let your mind be still for the next few weeks when you can.


What are you mentally burdened with?

What comes to mind when you think about your early childhood education?

How did it shape you?

How have your expectations for reality changed from when you were a child?

What were you certain was real as a kid that you now have more context for?


Pisces, life has a general romantic vibe for you. You are the energy of magic here on Earth. There is an openness that you bring with your presence that allows life to tell a beautifully interconnected story. Pisces tends to be so aware of fate that the synchronization of life seems like your own doing. Still, just like everyone else, cultural expectations can take hold of the steering wheel from time to time. For you, there may be a feeling of obligation to set your standards based on the group consensus. Capricorn activates your human need to contribute to something larger than the self and the need to belong to a supportive community. In order to feel this type of connection you may feel obligated to reach the standards set by society for your personal higher aspirations. There may be a sense of responsibility to overextend yourself for the sake of community or friends. This Capricorn season encourages space to be created between these duties you may have to the collective and the inner sense of stillness that you deserve to have. We are all learning that we are worth more than our hard work and measurable achievements. Pisces, in particular, you have worth whether your authentic personal goals meet cultural standards or depart from them.


How can you find more stillness in the community?

How can you create more space from the rat race of modern life?

What standards for your ambition come from your .

soul vs. come from the cultural consensus?

What kind of support are you looking for from the community?

What kind of groups or group activities may help you find inner stillness and allow you to belong simply by being present?


Aries and Capricorn represent the energy of the Spring Equinox and the Winter Solstice coming together. Both of these energies begin a new season. Aries represents birth, fresh starts and inspired action. Capricorn represents responsibility, commitment and earthly wisdom. This season, we are learning how to find time to be still. This is a time of year that culturally expects us to set resolutions for the new year. We are meant to set goals with the intention of reaching them. However, astrologically, Capricorn season represents the starting point of a more introspective time. Aries, these next few weeks you are invited to be still instead of drafting up new plans. This will be a moment of reflection on any obligation you may feel you have to uphold a certain status or work for the culturally respected achievements. As you invite stillness, you may find that some of your ambition is not entirely based on your own will. You may find that you overextend yourself at work or strive to achieve to earn the respect of others. This season is creating space for you to see your worth outside of public opinion.


How much of your ambition comes from your own wants and needs?

What do you feel obligated to accomplish?

What status do you feel obligated to maintain?

What does it feel like to be still?

Who are you outside of your reputation?


Leo, this season will bring into focus the current relationship you have with productivity and its impact on your overall sense of wellness. Capricorn represents the way we step up to handle external demands. This often leads to overextending ourselves, which may gain respect from others but does not leave much room for tending to our souls. For you Leo, you may find that working hard and pushing your limits is expected of you every day. Leos tend to be appointed leadership positions whether you were aspiring for that or not. This cultural expectation to sacrifice your personal well-being for the demands of the day comes with the reward of feeling accomplished quite often as well as feeling depleted quite often. This Capricorn season encourages you to find stillness in your daily schedule. Find ways to delegate tasks to others for the sake of your well-being even if it means you may have less control over the results. Leo, there is more to your whole being than what you can produce. Use this time to plan a manageable schedule for the new year. Consider what you can rearrange to make more space for personal care as you tackle daily responsibilities.


How much pressure do you feel to produce and or be of use every day?

Where do your productivity standards come from?

How can you delegate tasks to make your daily responsibilities more manageable?

Do your current daily responsibilities prevent you from

personal growth opportunities for expansion?

Are you hesitant to expand your experience or reach

new heights because of the obligation you may have to your current work life?

How can you make more room in your daily schedule to care for your personal needs?


`Capricorn season brings attention to your ability and your willingness to receive abundance. In general, there are certain cultural expectations of how to handle money and how to earn money. These can inform how worthy you may feel of pouring energy and resources back into your own life. Capricorn energy tends to manifest as the need to earn respect through sacrificing immediate satisfaction for long term gain. Culturally, this can often lead to overextending ourselves in order to stay on top of external demands. It is this Capricorn season in particular that encourages you to find stillness. For you, Sagittarius, this may look like creating space between societal standards of who has earned the right to be abundant and establishing your own standards. Take this time to consider if you struggle with a scarcity mindset. Think about how this impacts your willingness to pour resources into yourself and sustain your life. Even in times of material limitations, think of ways you can still show up for yourself. If you hesitate to treat yourself or if you struggle to trust your capabilities, this season encourages you to reflect on the formation of that self-doubt and deprivation. These next few weeks are reminding you that there is more to your worth than what you have earned in the eyes of society.


What have I learned about self-reliance?

What have I learned about trusting my own efforts?

Are there ways that cultural expectations of money affect my self-worth?

Are there ways that I approach money from a scarcity mindset?

How can I establish my own standards about money and self-sufficiency?

How can I feel deserving of material pleasure even if I do not meet societal expectations?

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