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Libra Season Horoscopes for the Earth Signs


Libra Season brings to your attention the other perspective of the planet that you both share- Venus. Taurus embodies the physical pleasure that Venus, Planet of Love, desires. Libra, on the other hand, embodies the social pleasure that Venus so desires. As Autumn begins, this energy gives you the opportunity to notice your interactions with co-workers, colleagues, employees and the like. How do these connections affect your overall well-being? How does the social environment in your work life tend to affect your mood or even your health? Libra season asks you to pay attention to your work/life balance. Check-in with yourself to recognize what replenishment your body needs at this time in order to maintain a sustainable productivity level.


Last month was dedicated to re-aligning with your desired lifestyle. These next few weeks bring your attention to the practical steps you can take to build on that momentum. Libra Season supports your efforts to intentionally use your resources of time, money, energy, skill to establish a sense of physical security. When we have a sturdy ground to stand on, we feel more capable of staying true to our innate energy. For the next few weeks, pay close attention to how your self-esteem aligns with your ability to create harmonious connections with others. Notice when you feel obligated to play ‘nicely’ at the expense of building up your self-worth versus when you feel free to create a friendly and dynamic rapport with those that are equally invested in harmony.


The beginning of Autumn is actually the peak of your year, Capricorn. This month is a time of year for you to acknowledge the accumulation of all of your successes and setbacks of 2023. Pay attention to the relationship dynamics within your professional life this month. Notice when you judge your sense of fulfillment based on how likable you come across versus when you are well-received due to revealing your honest and authentic self. During this Libra Season, you may encounter people who challenge you to pay attention to where your desire for approval around success and reputation stems from. Start thinking of what kind of support you may need to change your approach to Personal Achievement so that you start to define success by honest and authentic connections rather than the rise and fall of popularity.

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