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Pisces Season Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs



February 18th, 2024 - March 19th, 2024


Consider How Relief May Come With Surrender

Let Things Float Away Organically 

Trust That You Do Not Need To Have It All Figured Out At Once

Learn How To Take A Break When You Need One


This year, Pisces Season opens an opportunity to recognize the wisdom that you are earning as you live and grow. The vastness of the Pisces energy supports you in discovering meaning in places no one else can. This is the time of year to acknowledge your rising sense of spiritual and emotional maturity as you gain more life experience. Realizing this will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


As we enter Pisces Season this year, the focus for you lies in your sense of creative fulfillment. The Universe is supporting a pause and a period of reflection on how you create special moments in your life. When do you have time to create experiences in the moment that invites joy? You are supported in surrendering to your creative impulses and reflecting on what you need to do in this lifetime to fulfill the unmet wishes of your inner child. Tapping into your artistic nature will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


This is your Season, Pisces! The Universe is open and supportive of you embodying a more emotionally and spiritually mature version of yourself. This year the focus is on the role that you play in your life. How can you structure your approach to life in a way that is in alignment with the way you truly want to show up? This is a time of year that encourages you to take yourself more seriously, and reflect on how you can protect your energy, thereby protecting your connection to your instincts and intuition. Authentically embodying who you are during this time will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


Pisces Season comes around each year to encourage you to wind down, rest and recover before you take control of the reins in the following season. This energy supports taking a step back from life in a way that allows you time to be in a serene state. Letting the events of this past year wash all over you and then float away is encouraged with this energy. Embracing this sense of allowing will support you in moving forward with ease into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming up in your Season. 


Pisces Season is the time of year where your healing journey has the most support from the Universe. A forgiving and compassionate energy, Pisces Season gives you the time and space to make peace with some of the emotional weight that you have been carrying. Committing to this will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


As we enter Pisces Season, this is the time of year when you are supported in finding serenity and a sense of ease within your home. This season encourages you to take time to care for your private space, away from the pressures and expectations of outer influences. Consider what creating a space of retreat means to you. Discovering this will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 



This Year, Pisces Season, introduces you to an opportunity to take your role in a community more seriously. Finding relief and healing in a like-minded community that supports your higher aspirations is the focus this season. You are encouraged to be more intentional in these connections and allow the ones that are not here for the long term to fall away. There is no need to force kinship. Allowing for these much-needed changes to take root will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


As you enter Pisces Season this year, you are supported in finding relief in relationships of substance. Allow connections to fall away that do not fit that description. This energy encourages you to view the give and take of relationships from a realistic standpoint. Virgo, what qualities are you looking for in a connection that provides compassion, empathy and understanding?  Where can you find those qualities within yourself? Adding the art of discernment to your wheelhouse will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


Pisces Season this year encourages you to take time on your own to explore your surroundings. Taking solo walks around the park, going to a coffee shop to read, and so much more. Participate in the daily activity with only your thoughts and observations to entertain you. Capricorn, what can this allow you to absorb from your environment? What can you learn about yourself? Find relief in the peaceful details of your everyday life. Maintaining this sense of commitment to yourself will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season.     


Pisces Season, this year, encourages you to commit to establishing a sense of trust in the unfolding of your responsibilities. This energy supports the search for soothing and quiet moments throughout this season that give you time to rest and recover before taking on another responsibility. Find time to appreciate the milestones that you have reached. Incorporating these practices will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming during Aries Season.  


As we enter Pisces Season, there is an opportunity to commit to your own well-being. Use the calming waters of Pisces energy to help navigate your daily stress in a way that honors your body to the best of your abilities. This season encourages you to search for and appreciate serene moments within your daily schedule. Adjusting your routine in this way will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 


When Pisces Season begins, there is an opportunity to commit to yourself in a forgiving and compassionate way. This energy encourages you to acknowledge your ability to provide yourself with an inner state of serenity. Use this season to remember that you can rely on yourself to create inner peace, ease, and soothe your soul. Committing to this will support you in moving forward into the fresh Astrological Cycle coming in Aries Season. 

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