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Scorpio Season Horoscope


Scorpio Season has the potential to be a deeply healing month for you, Aries. This is a time to purge any heaviness that you are carrying in your body and soul. Scorpio is a sign that leads us to the truth and allows us to be released from falsehoods, delusions or being in a state of denial. The next few weeks can be dedicated to soothing your soul by hacking your corrupted data. Aries, how can you care for yourself in the face of uncomfortable truths? How can the discomfort actually be a form of healing that sets you free? Use this season to be kind to the most vulnerable and fearful parts of you and empower yourself with tender love and care.


After a potentially very busy Libra Season, Scoprio season offers time to recharge in your private space. The energy of Scorpio brings your focus to your living space and how comfortable and personal you are able to make it. This is a time of year where your sense of rootedness becomes important. Leo, do you feel tethered to a safe space? Scorpio energy may reveal to you truths about your family dynamics that need to be addressed in order to step into a more peaceful state of mind. Take the time to care for yourself as you deepen your connection to your inner self and your sense of home, whatever that may mean to you.


In many ways, Scorpio Season is the end of your year. It is a time to hide away from the business of the world and find time to sit with yourself in silence. This season may provide you with more time for solitude where you can recover from the events of the past year. Next season will be your time to get back into the driver’s seat of your life; however, for the time being, these next few weeks are best used for inner reflection. Taking time away from the noise will help you process everything you have been through this past year. Scorpio encourages self-acceptance and self-compassion for you, Sagittarius. Allow yourself these things and be careful not to run away from the parts of yourself that are aching to be heard and cared for this month.

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